They say Jennifer is a nice girl but this is repulsive.
Anyhow rhinoceroses should not be treated in a sexual manner. I think this is illegal. Most immoral. (Besides is it not assault to be mauling its ears?)
It is disgusting the way people jump about showing so much flesh. Jennifer is a rich young girl, I thinks she has enough money to pay for some clothes!
Anyhow rhinoceroses should not be treated in a sexual manner. I think this is illegal. Most immoral. (Besides is it not assault to be mauling its ears?)
It is disgusting the way people jump about showing so much flesh. Jennifer is a rich young girl, I thinks she has enough money to pay for some clothes!
"Rhinoceros" derives from the Greek for "horny nose". Quite.
On "horny": it's hard to think of a less erotic word, except perhaps "porridge". No, actually, even porridge is more stirring (ha!).
Hey prude - right up your alley - http://blogs.smh.com.au/lifestyle/allmenareliars/archives/2007/01/the_joyless_club.html#comments
I like milk.
I used to have porridge because I would have it with milk.
Now Alexis, you has turned me off!
I agree it's disgusting. Hot chicks shouldn't be allowed to wear clothes in ads. How's a guy supposed to be titillated faced with all this false sexiness? Prude, maybe you can address the issue of stereotypical sexiness as opposed to actual sexiness. It drives me nuts but nobody listens to me. I think it's something to do with lamé. Lamé isn't sexy but everybody knows it's supposed to be. Even a lamé rhinoceros covered in porridge wouldn't be horny.
frindless, i will address the issue right now.
Lamé isn't sexy.
Lame is even worse.
Like your attempts to immoralise this blog with your comments and provocation!
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