He may well be a good candidate for teaching the Penguin Dance to. Watch him bop! I is interested in prying him off the Scientology muck and seeing if he will take on the mantle of Prudism. After all I think it may be much more worthy and I could use someone with his enthusiasm.
What's more, it seem he will do almost anything and try anything, so I thinks a chastity belt, a penguin suit and Prude activism will not be off-putting to him. He is not one to shy away from challenges. What has he to lose?
It is an interesting project to consider. If I can forgive him for Top Gun and Cocktail and move on.

What has he to lose? Not his dignity, that's for sure. He lost THAT a long time ago! LOL
Yup, I think a little "Prude makeover" might just be helpful...it certainly couldn't hurt!
A little Prude makeover can help anyone a lot.
If anyone can make someone gain dignity or indignancy, I can. I thinks we may soon see a whole new Tom Cruise, waving little Penguin Banners and jumping on the sofa declaring his love for the Antarctic Animalia!
I love the idea!
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