But it is always good to have compatriots and while Mr Jumbles and I has got along well it is good for him to meet another penguin. They can sit and trade penguin stories. And I is glad to say that recently Mr Jumbles has met a penguin, ambling about on the streets of Sydney. It is not a common place to find penguins, but life has its quirks.
I is glad to say that like most penguins she is a noble being. Grey-and-white in colour, with delicate pink feet, silken in body and a most noble and dignified penguin. I is glad to introduce her as the newest member of Prude's Mission.
Her name is Squawk.

She's cute! I'm glad Mr. Jumbles has found a new friend. :)
Thanks you, say Squawk.
Squawk know that life is not all about looks.
However being cute is not a bad thing!
You took a photo! Oh, Prude!
Well, I is thinking it is a dignified photo.
She is not draped across a lounge in a diamante bikini with a fake tan.
Squawk is not that kind of girl.
But naturally I considered this carefully before taking a photo. It is always on my mind
Crude, rude and lewd or Prude? That is my question.
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